Members of Bayview Payroll & BNI Premier Volunteer to Build Playground in South Florida
The rain didn't stop us from building the children of South Florida a new playground in Fort Lauderdale, thanks to many local organizations.
Members of BNI Premier and 100s of other volunteers worked together to build a playground at Middle River Terrace Park, last Friday.
Miami Dolphins wide receiver Jarvis Landry was among the volunteers who lent a hand.
Check out that before and after pic! Amazing.
#bnipremier #jarvislandry #southflorida #fortlauderdale #bayviewpayroll
Members of Bayview Payroll, BNI Premier and 100s of other volunteers worked together to build a playground at Middle River Terrace Park, last Friday.
Members of Bayview Payroll, BNI Premier and 100s of other volunteers worked together to build a playground at Middle River Terrace Park, last Friday.
Justin of Bayview Payroll.
Racheli of Loans 4 U Real Estate Lending Fort Lauderdale
Ron from Infante & Company.
Don from Rapid Printer Solutions
Bayview Payroll of Florida/BNI Premier with Jarvis Landry of Miami Dolphins
The playground is pretty much done! Great job everyone!